Jornal de ppphhhttt

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23 outubro 2011

I intended on eating healthy today, but started off with potatoes and canned gravy. Ick! wasn't even good.

Didn't have a proper lunch. Drank a Almond vanilla drink and fruit cereal bar. Too many carbs for the day and hardly any protein.

Made veggie soup (submitted recipe here but can't add to food until approved I guess). Added potatoes (don't normally do) which added carbs. Ugh!

So at this point...too much sodium, carbs and fat, and not enough protein. But good on veggies I guess. Ha!

Tomorrow will be better. I will have greek yogurt with protein powder for breakfast, chicken lasagna for lunch (still need to cook that tonight) and soup for dinner. How can I add some protein to my dinner without any meat on hand?

And this begins my back on the wagon week. :-) Have to calorie count cause my portions are to big I think and my mental tally of calories and nutrition are severely distorted.

21 outubro 2011

OMG. It's been 8 days since I journaled, yet it feels like...forever. I have been eating poorly for 2 weeks, maybe 3? I've lost count. And I keep telling myself, ride out the cravings, get it out of my system, and then get my shit together again.

Yet every day, when I leave work, some other craving pops into my head. Is it my body getting used to the crap I'm eating and in turn craving it even more? Or am I using it to avoid or bury something, push away stress, fill the void that I feel...what?

I do feel stressed, tired and worn out like I usually do. But is it because of the crap I'm eating, or is there something else going on? Only one way to find out and that is with clean eating and eliminate the variable that I can knowingly control.

This weekend I am making vegetable soup again. I am also going to count calories. I hate doing's such a pain in the ass. Especially since I cook my own food. I will have to count everything and measure servings. I have to see this as a temporary thing, a means to an end if you will. Just like with only hurt/sucks for an hour a day, 1/24th of my day.

So tomorrow is me getting my shit together.

13 outubro 2011

GREAT news...My doctor(s) have cut my BP and cholesterol medicine in HALF because my numbers are so low/good! Yipee!!

BAD news...I've been eating like utter crap this week again. Had pizza and cheesy bread last night and just had a bagel w/cream cheese at work (even though I brought my greek yogurt w/protein powder. UGH!! WHY am I eating all these carbs? Why am I craving them like this? What is missing in my diet that would make me want these horrible things?

I know one thing, it feels like I'm constantly 'running' and have no down time. I'm tired most of the time (crappy carbs do NOT help), feel worn out and want more sleep even though it doesn't seem to be restful.

Just asked my 'peeps' on ST's FB page, and add veggies seems to be the consensus. And one add cinnamon.

So, no weighing myself till next Saturday...don't need discouraging numbers when I already feel down in the dumps bout this. Just pick myself back up and get back on track. Try, try, try again. Eventually all the small successes will get me to where I want to be. :-)

10 outubro 2011

Went to my thyroid doc on Friday and got my bloodwork results.
BP 120's-13's/70's-80's...104/76
RHR 83...73
Triglycerides 158...101 (they want below 150)

Holy crap!!! Yipee!! Doc is cutting my BP med in half as a result of this. He was very happy for me and said I'm doing it the right way. I see my GP tomorrow and want to ask him bout my cholesterol med and cutting it too.

Anyway, last week's eating was pretty bad...compared to what I've been doing recently (compared to days of is leaps and bounds above). I wasn't prepared for the week cause I only cooked on meal instead of two to eat throughout the week and because I started walking on Tues and Thurs after work and wasn't prepared to be as hungry as I was. This week, I'm ready.

Made my version of chicken cordon bleu and making a roast tonight. Bought stuff to make salads and have broccoli again. Got some decent snacks too.

05 outubro 2011

Walked with my friend Toni after work yesterday. Wow! Walking is completely different than weights. I know this, but I was winded and my bad leg/foot started to cramp. Damn!! That's OK. It will work itself out. Will do it again tomorrow and keep at it and it will be nothing!

I HAVE to get REAL workout clothes. I'm cool with what I wore to walk, but need something besides t-shirts that will cling to my upper body and not fall or pull up when I move. I don't want to spend a lot, cause I am working hard to keep dropping the weight and can't keep buying stuff.

Anyway, I'm very excited to see my thyroid doc Friday and my family doc on Tuesday. Hoping my meds needs adjusting to lessen them, cause that is one of my goals-to get off the meds! Will have to take thyroid meds for the rest of my life, though.

Ate bad last night cause not prepared to be starving after walking. If I had made the regular 2 meals for the week, I would have been fine. But didn't want the same thing for lunch and dinner. So got stuff for salad...but craved steak hoagie and ended up getting small pizza instead. It HAD to be better than the hoagie..onions, feta, spinach, tomatoes, cheese, thin crust. Very salty though. So salad with grilled chicken tonight!

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