Jornal de schmetterling34

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01 abril 2014

1st April

Ha. Just realized that strepsils contain lots of sugar. No wonder I have been bouncing of the walls.

My cold is still lingering. I don't feel ill(which is a real bonus) but the coughing and spluttering do give me away.

Eating was spot on yesterday. An activia with sunflower seeds and a banana for breakfast, a greek yogurt with a little honey midmorning, left over lamb and salad for lunch, hemp protein with almond milk in the afternoon and a little home made soup with a slice of jalapeno bread followed by another greek yogurt for dessert. I have really fallen in love with this yogurt: 0% fat, 10.3g of protein and only 4g carbs. so one little 170g pot gives me 17g of protein but only 96kcal. It feels me up, satiesfies the craving for something tasty and silky smooth, I just love it :)

Worked for 2 hours solid in my garden and slowly it is emerging from under all the weeds and old leaves. I found that the little apple tree I grew from seeds is growing flowers for the 1st time :)

Nearly finished building the green house in LBs garden. LOL the dogs are like little naughty children as soon as you don't pay attention to them. ! keeps on digging up the lawn to look for ants or anything else moving(worms absolutly facinate him) and the other one is in the raised still empty veg patch looking and digging for cat shit. Yum ;)

Quick dinner at 8pm, shower, 5 minutes TV and it was time for bed again.


31 março 2014


Bye Bye March, its been interesting knowing you!!

I think I was a bit too cocky. Nothing is going to stop me? Yeah right! Friday I woke up with a throat from hell, it felt like I had swallowed some razor blades :(. I got up, made LB his breakfast, had a yogurt myself, crawled back into bed and was asleep before LB left for work. I saw daylight at 11 am. I spend most of the day feeling sorry for myself, on the settee or in bed. But at least I think I got an explanation why I radded the cupboard and fridge on thursday evening. Not sure how much chocolate and peanut butter I consumed, but it was a lot. I was storing it up for friday ( only cool yogurt and some ice cream past my lips). Everything else was too sore to swallow.

Saturday I was feeling much better although I seem to have no strength. We layed a bit more concrete for the greenhouse base and had to wheel the muck up a ramp in a wheelbarrow. I did attempt it once but only managed it with LBs help.
Sunday I mowed the lawn for the 1st time this year, cut up some wood for the log burner and we started to build the greenhouse :)
Yesterday I did realize that I was scoffing sugary stuff because I was really low on protein. Lunch was a spanish fritata, dinner a mixture for a mad dog( 2 small slices of jalapeno bread with tomatoes and morzarella, a spoonful of colslaw, some olives and some smoked trout). And instead of going for some chocolate afterwards I had a greek yogurt :) Much better :)

Back to work today. The new boss is supposed to start. Hope my first impression of him was wrong.
I won't go to the gym today. I do feel better, but I am still not firing on all cylinders. But my garden will benefit from it, as long as the weather holds.

Happier Days :)

27 março 2014

25 março 2014

25th March

I am in an odd place today. I feel a bit lost, sad.

James might be leaving the gym. He has been there for 6 years and always treated himlike s**t. He will have a meeting today and see if there is a way to solve the situation, if not, he is out. Since they haven't got another qualified Kettlebell instructor, my classes might have come to an end :(
But then again, he might be able to set his own place up. Maybe its the start he needs.

My boss is also leaving today :(. He has only been here for 18 month but we will truely miss him. First impressions on the new guy where less than positive. But I give him the benefit of the doubt. Haven't really got a choice on that.

I shall be looking into IIFYM. According to it I do ok calorie wise but my fat intake is way to high and I still don't get enough protein. Something to mull over.

Just a mediocre day today

24 março 2014

24th March

Where do I begin? I have so much on my mind, so many things happened.

All things come in three's. They do. First the way my mum treats my sister, then a I learn that a guy I used to work with died on the 10th of March( we had a really good chat about him only a few days ago, probarbly on the day he died, about his quirks and what a character he is) and then we found out that the mother of LB's daughters boyfriend had vanished. They found her car abandoned with the keys in. I was just hoping she was safe. Turns out that she ran of with another bloke.

I managed it to the gym on Friday. Did my usual 30minutes of HIIT followed by an hours worth of stabilising exercises mixed with some core with weights.

Saturday morning we set of early to the station. I think the moment I set food on the train I got hungry! Weird. I had packed some nuts and apples so I survived the train ride :). The room was only ready at 3pm, so we dropped of our bags and took a walk (eating a giant chocolate chip cookie we got given at the reception). London is just as busy as I remember it. Mostly tourists, but it seemed a lot cleaner. Maybe I was just in a good mood. We walked along the Thames in the sunshine admiring the arcitecture of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the London eye. Lunch was a prawn and Avocado Sandwich on white bread. Really? Why do they still produce something like that. There is no point in eating it. But I was HUNGRY!
A big box of chocolates waited for us in the hotel room. Yes I had a lot of them. At 6pm we got picked up by a red London doubledecker bus and got taken to Parliament square to the Churchill war rooms. What an amazing place!!!!
I lost complete count on how much I drank. Plenty of champagne and white wine with a 3 course dinner. Glasses got filled as you drank it. Needless to say a was more than merry but not out of control by the end of the night.
We ended the night with a Lafroigh (whiskey) at the hotel.

Breakfast was an 'all you can eat buffet'. Fresh fruit salad, natural lowfat yogurt, grapefruit juice, 2 wholemeal rolls, cucumber, tomatoes, honey, jam, sunflower seeds, cheese, slice of ham and coffee for me (a mixture for a mad dog ;) ) and a full cooked english breakfast for LB.

We took another walk round some sights before heading home. London is facinating, but I am so glad I don't life there. I need wide open spaces and fresh air .

Bacon and mushroom on brown bread for lunch, a soup and olive bread, slice of orange cake with vanilla icecream for dinner.
The rest of Sunday was uneventful. Nice long walk with the woowoos, washing and hoovering my good old trusted car. We were both pretty tired and lazy. The woodburner and settee were just too inviting :)

Happy Days

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