Jornal de schmetterling34

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19 maio 2014

19th of May

11 days till we go to sunny Dorset :)

Can't wait. Lots of walking, chilling, walking and relaxing. By the end of the week the dogs will be totally groomed out and I will need a new pair of walking shoes.

Two years ago, just before we set of, LB was checking tyre pressure, I looked up and wondered what the black moving cloud was. LB urged me to go inside. From the bedroom window I watched the cloud of honeybees decent onto the garage roof and then gather in one big 'bunch'. Since then we have had 2 more swarm settle in the property. One in the garage and 1 in the woodburner (of all places). Apparently they leave a phermon behind....which attracts more bees. Fingers crossed not this year.

I did lift 65kg on the dead lift on Friday :) I have to remember to bring my straps with me as my fingers try to uncurl during the lifts. I also started with waive training again. It does really help with building up strength quickly and I just LOVE to be strong!!!!

Done lots of planting. Now the warmer weather is here (hopefully to stay) you can almost watch things grow. Especially the weeds.

We were mend to go out for a meal on Saturday. I had the the table booked. But we were so busy and would have had to stop halfway through. So I cancelled it and we settled at 8pm for a steak, green beans, chunky oven chips and a glass of wine on the warm patio. Bliss :)

Must call my mum this afternoon, squeeze some gardening in, Kettlebell in the evening and then come home just in time to watch the Masterchef final on Sky Plus before bed at 10pm. What an exciting life I live LOL. But isn't it the little things?

Happy days

16 maio 2014

16th of May

Best night sleep :)

What a difference it makes. I still didn't want to get up, but LB had opened the curtains and the sun was tickling my nose and it was already 6am so I did have to get a wiggle on. Made it to work only 3 minutes late ;)

We went shopping early yesterday and took the dogs out for a really long walk through the fields afterwards. It was nearly 8pm by the time we came back and still light :) I just love summer!!! And living in a little village is really growing on me. HArdly any cars on the road, plenty of open spaces, fresh air and no streetlights.

Even being at work on such a lovely day isn't too bad as the view out of the office window is lovely(once you see past the fence) rolling hills with woods and rape fields. Yeah, I think I am a country bumpkin :)

Just had my 'full' english breakfast minus the toast. Scrummy.

Gym straight after work for some weight training. I will lift more than 55kg on my deadlifts today!!! And then its garden, garden and garden. Oh and maybe a little lie-in tomorrow ;).
After the BBQ tonight. LBs daughter has just invited herself.

Happy Days!

15 maio 2014

15th of May

I think I slept some, nowhere near enough, but much better then none. Defineately didn't want to get up this morning. I went to bed dead beat ( maybe too tired!?) but the usual drift eluded me again. My do hurt when I am soooo tired even when they are closed.

Then again, the lack of sleep does not stop me in my tracks. I might overcompensate a little with food to get more energy, but somethimes I do wonder how I keep going.
Finished work yesterday as usual, went to my house, worked in the garden for 3 hours then went to the gym for an hour of kettlebell. There were only 5 in the class, so it was even more intense then usual.

The good weather is here at last. So lovely to wake/get up to sunshine. It even felt warm this morning :). If it stays like this I will spent the whole weekend in the garden :). We still got lots of planting to do. The greenhouse is filling quiet nicely with all my little 'want-to-be' plants: cucumber, butternut squash, courgette, runner beans, green beans, tomatoes(3 varieties), basil, majoram, petunias, busy lizzies, marigold, cornflowers beetroot, potatoes, gem lettuce, carrots and parsnips. Ahhhh I can't weight for the harvest :)

Happy Days :)

14 maio 2014

12 maio 2014

12th of May

Another weekend has flown past!

Talk about dodging the rain. We have so much to do in the garden and these heavy showers keep on interupting! But its getting there slowly.

Yesterday was a much better day. Very windy but at least it was dry.
And I think ( I hope I am not jinxing it) I have my allergies under control again. This was the second weekend without sneezing :) YEAH. My nose is still blocked at times, but I can handle that.

LB is a real sweetheart. I told him, that as much as I like cooking, that it would be nice if he could prepare the odd meal, especially at the weekends. Guess what? He made breakfast twice. Saturday I had toast in bed and Sunday he made scrambled eggs, grilled ham on a bed of spinach with cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. I wasn't allowed bread as I left too many crumbs in bed ;)

I will pop over to my house this afternoon and see if I can work in the garden for a while. Kettlebells is on the agenda as usual tonight.

I lifted weights on friday for the first time in ages. Probably the first time since I stopped training with JAmes. Boy did I feel it. I will have to get back to it every friday and remember to take my straps. My hands were aching without them and I only lifted 55kg!

Tomorrow night we go and see the comedian Jimmy Carr. I bought the tickets back in September last year. Looking forward to it. We might even have a meal out beforehand.

Happy days :)

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