Jornal de 08willbegreat, 03 jun 08

Warning: Today's extra-long journal can be handled only by self-proclaimed masochists or my best buds!!! :)

Since some of you talked about the movie yesterday, I wanted to respond. Yes, SATC was good--I thoroughly enjoyed it..only spoiler I'll reveal is that it's LONG--2.5 hours, and takes you through an emotional roller-coaster ride--expect that and you'll enjoy it! Lot of good discussion-material, so I definitely recommend watching with your girlfriends..and not moms or grandmoms, or daughters---it is NOT PG! :)

Other than that, today has been good as far as getting a structure together. I developed a new system of organizing my calender for the summer---all research activities, writing timelines and deadlines, social activities, home chores, work out schedules, and even health check up dates..I've put this system in my palm pilot, and will be able to access it on the go, and will even have alarm reminders, when needed!! I'll be able to track which things got done on any given day, and move those things around to a different day by a simple cut-and-paste...this will help me get an overview of each day, week, and also the whole month. I feel good--I had all these dates and deadlines swarming and floating aroudn in my head, and was pretty much going week by week, but now that I've planned for the rest of the summer, I feel like I'll be able to get everything done, at those allocated dates, and yet have plenty of time for non-work related stuff like cooking, working out, socializing, and keeping my home affairs on track (whew! what a I only have to worry about meeting my goals each day--and not stress out about any other thing!

So, other than that big thing, I did get my workout in this morning (1.5 hours total: 30 mins elliptical @ 180K or so, and 45 mins upper body weights--biceps, triceps, shoulders, and chest).

Food and points have been on track. Water-intake has been good. Took my protein mix, so hopefully my muscles won't be sore tomorrow. Got some work (i.e., writing) done at a cafe (had lunch there, while working). Didn't make as much progress as I'd hoped--but that's ok, given that I managed to deal with the bigger production, i.e., consolidate 10 different to-lists that were scattered all over and making me feel a little discombobulated. Thanks to this front-end time spent, I'll be able to save a LOT of time throughout the summer (and the rest of the year when I have to look up old information). THANK GOD FOR ELECTRONIC ORGANIZERS!!!!

It's been raining, so I'm going to skip my evening walk. Still plan to get in a pilates dvd before night, so gotta hop to it, after finishing my journaling.

Oh! and other than that, I managed to plan my vacations (booked my D.C. trip in July, and finalized the dates for NYC and SFO in August, and made tentative plans for India in December (why now? Coz these tickets get sold out months ahead of time!). With these things to look forward to, I now have even more incentive to work hard and focussed, so that I'll have enough time to play later!

So, deadlines, here I come!!!

Meals and points for today:
Breakfast: protein mix with soy milk (3)
1 ww icecream (2)
Lunch: At the cafe: Veggie burger (3?), in a small bun (3), a slice of swiss cheese (2), a small side pasta salad (about 1 oz)--had some oil (2) [had honey-mustard sauce instead of mayo for the burger, and pasta salad instead of potato salad, so hopefully these were better choices]
coffee with cream (2)
Dinner: 1 veggie patty (2)
stir fry veggies with a little bit of hoisin sauce, chilli sauce and soy sauce (1)
Bits of walnuts throughout the day (2.5)
2 ricecakes (2)

Total: 24.5

I did pick up groceries on the way home, so I'll be better prepared to cook and eat at home, so I don't end up having an high-point lunch like today's.

And finally, my weight had dropped this morning (161.8), despite the wine and popcorn from yesterday--presumably because of the departure of Mr. C, and possibly because I've been workign out daily...

Just have to plan tomorrow's dinner out well---it's at a swanky Italian restaurant, and work's paying for it, so I do want to enjoy the meal, but not over-indulge (sometimes free is expensive, ya know!!). I've looked at their menu, and have planned ahead, including working out more and eating very low points earlier, and having only half of my entree and ordering a salad as an appetizer, and no dessert, but cappuchino (I'd have liked the usual port, but realized it's a sweeter wine, and hence more calories, so don't need it).

Lastly, beginning to hate my multivitamin pills (1 calcium + Vitamin D, 1 daily energy pill, i.e., B complex+ other stuff, and 1 zinc). I'm supposed to take that with a meal, but this combination is finicky---I've found the best time is after my cereal. Instead, if a)I run out of cereal and have something else like eggs, or, b)wait until other meals, I just have this horrible nauseating, chest-heaviness feeling--and that's just horrible!!! Has anyone experienced this? Any advice?

Well, today's journal got really long, so am gonna quit for the night. Hope everyone's had a fabulous day, and wish you a spectacular one tomorrow!!!


Wowsers! That was a good read! Hehehe. I'm hoping to go to SATC with my girlfriend while she's here. She never watched the series (I know, wow!) but she said she is game to watch the movie. I think we will enjoy it. Wonderful job getting all of your schedules worked out on your palm pilot. Now just don't go losing it or you will have a nervous breakdown! Is it possible to back up the files onto your computer or something? You have been working out like a mad woman lately. You must be getting so toned! Congrats on the new low weight. You'll be in the 150's before you know it! Your dinner at the Italian restaurant sounds exciting. I always love when someone else is footing the bill! Fortuantely, there are lots of wonderful Italian dishes that aren't crazy on calories. I like getting Lemon Veal because most restaurants have it, it isn't breaded, doesn't have a heavy sauce, tastes divine and is low in fat. And if they offer pasta as a side, I get the spaghetti with tomato sauce so it is also not too high in calories. I don't have tummy troubles with my vitamins. I guess I'm lucky. And I take a whole slough of them, too :) Maybe try taking different ones with different meals to spread them out over the day. I've also heard (from Dr. Oz) that it is best to break your multivitamin in half and take one half in the morning and one at night because our bodies can't absorb it all at once and a lot of it gets eliminated (a nice word for peed out!). Ok. Long comment for a long journal! Lots to say :) Have a good sleep and a wonderful day tomorrow! 
03 jun 08 por membro: evelyn64
Evelyn, thanks for the great tip re the vitamins!!! I don't know why I didn't think of spreading them out!! duh! And I didn't know you could actually have them in half w/o altering the chemical properties--so that's great to know!! And as for the backing up of the palm, yes, there's a "hot sync" function that lets you keep your palm connected to the pc, and enter stuff back and forth---so when one's gone, I'll have the other, and so I said, I love it!!!! If your friend's never seen SATC, make sure to give her advance warning of the graphic content, so she doesn't get shell-shocked!! (might help to get a couple of drinks beforehand to steel her nerves ;)!!! 
03 jun 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
Don't worry. My girlfriend and I are not shrinking violets and we speak our minds on EVERYTHING! So nothing that SATC can dole out will shock or embarrass either of us. Truth be told, some of our conversations could make Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda blush. LOL! 
03 jun 08 por membro: evelyn64
Girl... I could use you to rub off some of that ultra organization on me! lol :) WAY to go! Have a great FREE lunch, can't beat that. I agree... spread the vitamins out a bit and always with food, too. Keep on kickin' it! :) 
03 jun 08 por membro: bullytrouble
Fantastic work sorting out your sunner schedule - that'll really help with your stress levels, and should ensure you hit all your targets, but still have a fun summer! Congrats on the new low - you've earned it with all that working out!! Enjoy your meal out - if you go low points before and choose wisely you'll minimise any damage. Good luck!! :) 
04 jun 08 por membro: Lucybell33
Loved your long journal..I enjoy reading and people are so scared to appear to be rambling..they shouldnt be! I take a multivitamin called Alive that seems to have a lot of stuff in it; I would suggest that perhaps you should also look for something that has most of the stuff in one pill. I am so impressed that you have the entire summer planned in the palm of your hands..literally! Especially love the beeping. I would love to do that..except I have nothing to plan!! What do you work as that you keep getting free meals and free winetasting etc..??  
04 jun 08 por membro: caged liberty
You sound so organized! All of your trips sound awesome. It's great to have so many great vacations to look forward to! 
04 jun 08 por membro: massiverally


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