Jornal de jaime30024

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20 março 2019

Most of you know that along with Keto I practice IF (Intermittent Fasting). Usually I follow 16:8, but I try to toss in some longer periods when I can. I have read the info regarding the benefits IF has for the body and it fits into my life easily. Today is a longer period fast..currently at 18 hours fasting and sipping some hot tea. I will see how much longer I can push this bar, but right now I am feeling great. It just worked out with the crazy busy day. Work, running, weights, council meeting, got home and then an EMS call, transport to the hospital and back home at 11:15pm and then get ready for bed. I have to say that DH had the CarbMaster milk last night and he said "this is pretty good"...checked his BS and it was down considerably from the afternoon.

A FS friend had posted how others seem to be so harsh/judgmental of the diet/lifestyle choices some folks are on. Thankfully, I haven't seen that much. I just like to fall back on what my Mama taught me, "if you can't say anything nice then don't say nothing at all". I think there are so many people that feel like they can say anything they want because they are sitting behind a keyboard. If I wouldn't say it to your face then I try to keep it to myself. Besides, what is going to happen if you scroll past something that you don't agree with? You know what I feel like happens to me if I scroll past? I didn't lose any of my valuable time getting sucked into negativity...LOL. That isn't to say that there is not a time and place for a friendly discussion/debate, but the problem is there are so many people that do not understand 'niceties' in this day.

Anyway, thanks Bella for the thought provoking journal entry and the friendly discussion that it created.

I hope you all have a great day. Be kind to yourselves, but also try to be kind to takes far more energy to be negative than it does to be kind.
Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta seguida:
94,2 kg 18,3 kg 8,4 kg 100%
   (4 comentários) Perdendo 8,3 kg por Semana

19 março 2019

I knew when I stepped on the scale this morning I would see an increase. Egg roll in a bowl with soy sauce...the soy sauce will do it every time! I had leftovers, but will not be having those for lunch. I read it freezes well; so I may try to freeze it. Also, between running errands and then we had an EMS call I didn't get to run. Today I have to make up for that. We have council meeting tonight so gotta squeeze everything in. This call was at the care facility and they did NOT even say "hey we think we may have an influenza outbreak". We got to the room and the door was closed. Thankfully a CNA came out and once I confirmed the room (and we started to enter) she asked did we want a face mask. The guy with me is like "no" and I am like "wait! Whyyyyyy are you asking us if we want a face mask". THEN she says well the guy next door (who by the way we had a call the night before and thankfully I listened to my gut and said no need to go there are others responding) tested positive for influenza this morning. Geez!!! Of course, now I am all freaked out that I am going to get sick. I did have my proper protective gear and a mask on and I am in the best health I have been in quite some time. So let's hope. They also didn't mention that the poor guy tested positive (and DIED!). Very sad about that.

So today I am thinking when I break my fast it will likely be with some spinach. DH ate the egg roll in a bowl and didn't complain that there was no rice. The salt he said he really liked and I am sure his body needs that extra saltiness right now. Also, he didn't say he was starving last night (after dinner) and needed no snacks. I am pretty sure he left his water bottle at home this morning and I will send one for him to keep at the office.

That is about it...I am going to get my water down and get rid of this bloating.
I hope you all have a great day and remember to be kind to yourselves.
Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta seguida:
95,3 kg 17,1 kg 9,6 kg 100%
   (3 comentários) Ganhando 6,4 kg por Semana

18 março 2019

18 março 2019

After the weekend I show a loss and yay, I will take that! It is always good to start Monday off with the scale reflecting a drop in weight. Now to just see what the week holds for me.

I feel like I survived the weekend with DH trying to reduce his carbs. He wasn't as awful to be around, as he was the last time he attempted this, and MAYBE he realizes just how much he has at stake. If he could just realize that his comments of how a tall glass of milk would be good or blah blah is him focusing on his weight. Last night he said that the chips I made were so good that he could have taken the entire container and ate it. Which let me add is exactly what he was about to do. He had some mustard and wanted some chips. I pointed to the container that I had put them all in...a full container. He got it and saw the label I put on it....approximately 35 chips = 6 net carbs. He started to walk off with the entire container. I stopped him and said give me that and I will put some in a bowl. To which he begrudgingly says, "I'll do it". Then he starts putting some int a tiny bowl I gave him. Says, "does that look like 35?" I said, "I suppose so, but I would have counted them out" and he says, "I know YOU would". My response: "but you're the one that will have to answer for it, not me". Because he is!! He is the one that will have to answer for it. Like I said I will help him, but I am not going to monitor him....even though it could be easy. I sent five pre-wrapped bagels to work with him and two containers of chicken salad and a serving of chips. The chicken salad can last one or two days and I will send more chips. I do not mind making him a sandwich wrap to take to work, the night before. Those are the little things. He is the one that has to get his eating under control. So last night he says, I could have ate that entire container those chips were so good. I said, "I know that is why I asked for the container to put some in a bowl. You know our friend that just has gastric by-pass that is the same thing that you have talked about him doing". He said, "but I am not 280#!" I said, "no you aren't; his lack of moderation effects his weight and your lack of moderation is effecting you in a different way". He didn't respond; I know he didn't like it, but hopefully it was food for thought.

As for me I made time for exercise both Saturday and Sunday. I was feeling a little squeezed yesterday. I spent around 4 - 4-1/2 hours meal prepping and then I thought I might not have time to run. We are helping my SIL with a salon she is going to open here in town. I got down and took DH some chips and ham and cheese to the shop and my SIL had arrived. It worked out well because she said, "go on and run honey". That was all I needed. Of course, DH was like "how long will you be??" Got in 2.5 miles in a decent time (for me). Yes, my husband is somewhat co-dependent, but he admits to it.

So time to get back to work. Have to go, directly after work today, to pick up some different contact samples; they one they gave me isn't sitting too well on my eye. Then get back home and try to stop at the gym first. Today is the last day of my month membership (that I won at auction) so I have to make a decision about that, too.

I hope you all have a great week and remember to be kind to yourselves.
Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta seguida:
94,4 kg 18,1 kg 8,7 kg 100%
   (8 comentários) Perdendo 1,6 kg por Semana

17 março 2019

Doing some meal prep today. Made keto everything bagels, and it was so nice to have a bagel. Also, making chicken salad and some ‘crackers’ to have on hand for hubby. The bagels passed the test. The crackers have passed the test, in the past. I found CarbMaster milk at Fred Meyer, and was pretty excited. I haven’t seen that since I moved from Georgia. It was a good source to make hot chocolate for him, last night, and he couldn’t tell the difference. Obviously he is trying. As others said, on a previous entry, I can’t force this on him and I won’t. I had already bought the pan to make the bagels. Meal prepping is something I need to get better about so I’m good with it. However, I can’t do this for him and I won’t. I’ll help him and since I’m already doing it he can jump on my crazy keto train if he wants. However, no free rides! You still gotta do for you. So not sure workout wise what the day will hold for me. I made this post between cooking bacon for chicken salad. Have a great day and be kind to yourselves! Gotta get back to prepping.

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