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17 julho 2012

Ok, so I have not been tracking my food- and I have been busy with interviews and the like so exercising, while it has not stopped, has taken a hit.

I haven't stepped on the scale since who-knows-when.

Yeah, I am a chicken. *cluck cluck*

But here's the thing, my clothes are still fitting. So I must maintaining to some degree. Since I am only five feet- even five pounds translates into another size of clothing (particularly pants) so I am starting to think that:

a) I really need to start keeping track of what I am eating again
b) Maybe I can stay off the scale since I have enough to worry about
c) I miss running- that needs to be happening again

So, I am modifying my diet plan- and I must say it is refreshing to only be worried about eating and exercise rather than the scale. I just have too much else on my plate, and something had to give.

What I am happy about:
- Opportunities
- the future
- my marriage
- my health
- my creativity
- my resourcefulness
- friendships
- technology
- music (and how easy it is to access nowadays- love my Spotify)
- my new haircut (I was going to post a picture but then I realized no one would care! LOL)

03 julho 2012

Today is my first Friday this week!

Since I have tomorrow off, and still have to work Thursday and Friday I have decided that Tuesday this week will be cancelled and in it's place will be Friday #1.

My logic is sound- don't worry about it.

So I did some weight lifting last night- the heat really messes with me though. Our entire office was in a crabby mood and by the time I finally got home I just wanted to cuddle with the pup, and eat some cookies that the hubby baked me because he is a sweetie.

Well, it was too warm to hug the puppy (and the jerk just wanted to run around with his tail wagging anyhow). And yeah, there were cookies.

Sadly, this was me when I came home. Except I know where he keeps the cookies.

I did step on the scale this morning to motivate me to not slack off, and I must admit I thought it would be worse. I am still waiting until Friday to actually record my weight but it has given me a little boost.

Now I just need the weather to back off so I can run! It is still calling for a heat index of 100ish degrees, and last night right at dusk it was still at a heat index of 96 degrees so I am thinking that I will be doing some Pilates tonight.

Want to know something fun about posting information online on job sites? Spammers can get your info and will call you on a daily basis. ANNOYING!!!! Not to mention it is just rude. Of course I am at work when they call so I can't answer and tell them to cut it out- and they never pick up when I call back so yeah. Fun times. Jerks.

It wouldn't be as bad if I wasn't getting excited every time my phone goes off because I am waiting to hear back from a few jobs. Bah, what kind of mean person buys information off a job search site to spam people with non-job related stuff? Ridiculous.

Things I am happy about:
- two Fridays this week
- Cookies
- Marcy's Playground (love this band)
- the fact that my husband has more patience than I far

02 julho 2012

Wow, so I have been MIA on this site for a while.

And yeah- I have been too scared to step on the scale for a while. Not going to do the "wah wah, whine, whine, poor me" BS. Today is a new day and I just need to get back in the saddle.

This is my thoughts about the past week or so- it happened so I am not going to beat myself up about.

I am also going to wait until Friday to step on the scale.

For the first time ever, I got sick while running. There is a decent possibility that I was actually fighting something- but I think it is more likely that I finally got so stressed that my body didn't know what else to do. That was on Friday and it was awful. I don't carry a cellphone with me when I am on my runs, and I was over a mile away from home when I realized I was in trouble. Adding insult to injury, the bathrooms where I run were out of order because of a new paint job so I wasn't able to use them either.

Needless to say, I was too terrified to run on Saturday. And I was still sick for most of the day.

Yesterday I went on a run, but I was still scared that I was going to get sick again so I only ran about 2.5 miles. But, I didn't get sick- I did cramp up a little and I was feeling "off" but it didn't get worse and I was able to run most of the way. My time was 8 minutes 39 seconds per mile.

It felt so good to finally get to the point in my running where I was able to run a little over three miles without stopping. After getting over how happy I was to be able to run without getting sick I was sad I have regressed. Oh well, I may have still been getting over whatever my body was doing.

At any rate- I am back on board with my health starting this morning.
Actually, does last night count? I don't eat in my sleep so technically I haven't eaten anything bad for me since last night.

To save my sanity I will wait until Friday to step on the scale. It won't be pretty. Stress makes me bloat (my feet barely even fit into most of my shoes right now) and that does translate on the scale.

This is me- Friday morning. Be warned.

I won't even be able to go for a run today, the heat index is suppose to reach 111 and that is just too hot for me to be running. I will do some weight lifting, and do some of the
Brazilian Butt Workoutto help with the jiggly-butt problem, LOL!!!

This will be me- but most likely with Mob Wives on in the background and Marlow trying to play with me.

Things I am happy about:
- playing cards with hubby
- AC in our apartment
- workout options
- coffee, coffee, coffee (can not stress this one enough)
- skirts, it is way too warm for pants today

27 junho 2012

Well, we wound up backing out of going to the ball game because we wanted to job search/look for places to relocate. But, that did mean that I got to run.

3 miles, 7 minutes 50 seconds per mile.

Stress is a fantastic motivator to get out there and run. And it also makes you wake up in the middle of the night and weight lift to relax.

I am an odd one, LOL

FYI, the avocado and egg salad tastes just like regular egg salad- I guess avocado is nature's mayo! Anyhow, it was epic and I would recommend it- although I did change the recipe a bit.

Here is where the original recipe is, I did this though:
- 6 eggs
- 2 avocado
- 1 TBSP Spicy Deli Mustard
- 1 TBSP Honey Mustard
- 1 TSP salt
- 1 TSP pepper

I think it turned out really yummy, I just wrapped it in some romaine lettuce leaves and ate it like a roll. Delish!

Things I am happy about:
- stress can be a great motivator
- every day is a new day
- eventually I will have a good night's sleep
- I have my health
- I have my hubs and pup


26 junho 2012

Last night I ran for 3.9 miles, at a pace of 8 minutes and 6 seconds per mile. This is the first time that I have had this quick of a pace twice in a row. Am I actually becoming a faster runner? That doesn't sound right since I slacked off so badly last week, but maybe my body needed a bit of a break. My muscles were hurting last night so there was no weight lifting.

Between the party, the alcohol, and me not feeling like eating... my weight is exactly the same as this time last week. I am looking forward to eating normally. It was fun to eat cake, and have mojitos but there is a huge difference how I feel when I eat food that is actually good for me- my body just feels better and I am more alert and I am looking forward to eating food so I can fuel my body for all the things that I want to do. Versus wanting to eat sugar and crap.

My party did remind me how much I adore avocados though- so I went on Pinterest and found a
mayo-free egg salad that uses avocado! I will be making this for lunch today- so excited!

Is anyone else here a reader? I have been (slowly) reading Real Food on my Nook, and she makes some compelling points. Although I really wish she would cite more of her claims, it is something I could do more research on.

So, a random love that I have is old suitcases and trunks. And last weekend there was a garage sale that was held to help the campus ministry to move so we stopped by and I was able to score an awesome old suitcase that is now serving as an afghan organizer for when I am crocheting an afghan (while hubby loves the afghans I make, having a bunch of skeins of yarn lying around drives both of us nuts)

There is room for seven different colors of yarn, a small zippered pouch for the hook, scissors, a yarn needle, and a tape measure; the pocket can hold some reference materials, and the top has enough space for the work in progress! So far the afghan is almost 2/3 done and it still fits in that space (although it is getting to be a tight fit now)

Anyhow, that was my $3.00 birthday present to myself.

Hubby and I will be going to a twin's game tonight with some friends. That should be fun- although I don't think I will be able to squeeze a run in tonight. I may be able to do some weight lifting after dinner right away though before we leave. That counts for something right?

Things I am happy about:
- Twins tickets being cheap because they are playing so poorly
- Friends
- Avocados
- Coffee
- Sunny weather
- Waking up before my alarm went off

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