Jornal de ivygirl85

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22 fevereiro 2018

07 fevereiro 2018

Man it's so frustrating - I have completely changed how I eat, what I drink & have added exercise to my life at LEAST 3 days a week and Now after my first week of a massive 4kgs loss I seem to constantly be gaining weight.

Today it says im 102.8 - seriously??

Aside from 1 day a week where im slightly more laxed (because come on I need 1 days to not drill Sargent myself i have stuck to exactly what I have logged in my food diary

I had a low fat smoothie every day last week for breakfast and a salad 3 days for lunch, and yet i have gained?

Im not going to break my diet or exercise because of the gain, at the end of the day im still trying to change my life style and lose weight to be healthier, but come on body, help me out a little here.

No wonder people stay big or unhealthy for so long, because the times they try to throw their all into it and get zero back in return it just seems easier to give up and continue the size I was & at least go back to enjoying bad for but yummy tasting food.

Ok rant over, back to work & my veterinarian low fat lunch.

PS - not logging official weight until tomorrow when I use the scale at the gym

27 janeiro 2018

23 janeiro 2018

Yup yesterday was hard...I dont know if it was because it was a Monday or because I was super tried or just because I was suddenly more aware that I was counting calories but whatever it was, it was a HARD day.

I spent a lot of my time at work thinking about food, or should I say the lack of food I could eat. I sat next to someone at lunch while I ate my left over dinner of spag & meatballs who was eating some lovely fried noddle dish from the take-aways downstairs & I struggled.

I felt hungry, deprived & like i was always going to feel like this, that all yummy food and take-away's would be gone forever and how BORING!

But what im most proud of is that I didn't give up like I have in the past, caved and gone & brought a burger or maybe a bag of I stayed strong. I even went home and did a work out & had my 4yr old son do it along with me (no more using the kids as the reason i can't do it). I ate my dinner & even had enough calories left to have a small serving of ice cream - my treat at the end of the day & proof that not all yummy things need to go.

I can do this!!!

18 janeiro 2018

Histórico de Peso de ivygirl85

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