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07 janeiro 2016

***may be gross**

Yesterday and today have been declared take care of yourself days. At least that is what my ear is telling me. Yesterday I felt so crummy i laid on the couch all day. Last night I was up for a trip the the BR at 4 am, I have a cold so blew my nose and wonders my ear popped and then continued to crackle... kind of like having a candy bar wrapper crinkling inside your ear. Returned to bed with a feeling of vertigo as my ear continued on noisily and I believe some of the fluid drained via the ear and Eustachian tube. The Nausea I had yesterday as well was renewed add the vertigo and well that sent me reeling back to the bathroom sick.

I ended up staying in bed almost afraid to move. Ron got the kiddos off to school and when I got up more vertigo and nausea arrived an hour later. Yay me! :P NOT! Fortunately, I was not sick again. Now 3 hrs later I have forced myself out of bed and opened the shop, feeling moderately better. Nausea and vertigo and crinkling in the ear gone. I hope that means the drainage is done but not going to hold my breath because no crinkling, however the ear feels plugged again - though admittedly not as bad as before. Either that or my hearing is damaged or still needs healing to fully recover. So, still on wait and see status. **not happy** But I will accept not feeling ill.

So, no workout for the 2nd day this week. Hoping to feel well enough for tomorrow. WOE will depend on my stomach.

Outside it has warmed up after several 0 or below days settling in low teens as a high. Today it is sunny and warm enough for the ice on the roof to melt. So is sounds like it is pouring out on an otherwise nice day.

05 janeiro 2016

Day 2 back in the saddle.

No saddle sores. Check! No regrets. Check! Back to the gym day 2. Check! Living Low-Carb again - THANK HEAVENS! I feel so much better off carbs! Weight down, so here's to seeing Onederland again really soon! Persistence and dedication are the words I am living by, that and coffee cannot live without my coffee.

Day 7 of 10 on antibiotics for the ear infection pain disappeared at day 4 but hearing loss is persisting - keep hoping the now defined effusion will go away on it's own and I do not need it drained. It is not impossible just not the usual way of things from what I understand. Vertigo moments are less often so I am doing as much as I can without overdoing. All gym workout was recumbent bike or seated. Tried the inversion table but that instigated a bout of vertigo so no more inversion table until I get the ear cleared up. Bummer because that is one thing I really enjoyed winding down on.

Oh yeah and Christmas this year was the gift of Coffee and 10# of different types and flavors of coffee. THis morning I tried Dark Chocolate Decadence... OMW there's no one word that depicts the delight in this cuppa, well... decadence. SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD! I am going to go make another pot and just let that luscious flavor and heat of it soak in and make me feel better.

04 janeiro 2016

The past few weeks... no months have been emotional and stressful. I let things go a bit during the holidays esp the last 2 weeks and I am not only seeing it but suffering and feeling it. up 10+ lbs which is just the thing I expected as i jumped off the wagon I did not go whole hog but enough and for too long. IBS agitated, heartburn back in force, hot flashes have escalated. UGH I feel awful.

I also have not worked out for the past 2 weeks. Mostly due to the holidays and a double ear infection that I went to the dr again today only to find out that it has developed into an effusion which if you don't speak dr speak that my ear drum has become bulbous from all the fluid behind it. Soonest I can get into an ENT is Jan 21st for a consult. They can let it go as long as 12 weeks before deciding to drain it and I am praying with my hearing already reduced that I don't have permanent dmg.

But it is New Year and I went to the gym today and back on low carb. Though I was not as strict as I ought to be today but I still lowered my intake and the carbs A LOT. I know the scale will not immediately be kind... none of the other numbers will either. :P But getting back to it and killing it is my goal this year. I am un-thwarted. My new Life resolution remains the same discover the better me.

10 dezembro 2015

30 novembro 2015

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